Ripley County Annex Building
102 W. First North St., Versailles IN 47042
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 235, Versailles, IN 47042
HOURS | Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
PHONE | 812-689-6311
FAX | 812-689-3006

Danielle McGee
Property Tax, Exemptions, and Deeds
Pamela Franklin
Payroll and New Employees
Dawn Jordan
Claims, Receipts and Budgets
Important Information
Property Tax Deductions
Apply for Property Tax Deductions and Benefits
Deed Requirements
Sales Disclosure Information
- Property Tax Calculation
- Tax Sale Information
- Duties of the County Auditor
- Ripley County Code of Ordinances
Budget Information
When on this page enter the county and search this will bring up all the units in your county. This shows budget information for each unit if you click on a specific unit it will bring up where you can look at their information they have entered into Gateway.
Indiana Gateway
Gateway collects and provides access to information about how taxes and other public dollars are budgeted and spent by Indiana’s local units of government.
- Gateway Report Builder for Government Offices
Other Services
Other services available in the Auditor’s office:
- Veterans BMV forms
- Commissioners and Council Records
- County Resolutions and Ordinances
- Subdivision survey ($10)