911 Communications

Ripley County Communications Center

210 N. Monroe Street, Versailles IN 47042
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 364, Versailles, IN 47042
HOURS  | 24 Hours Every Day
PHONE | 812-689-5555
FAX | 812-689-1307

William Sunderman



911 Records Requests


Ripley County is a PulsePoint connected community.

PulsePoint Respond empowers everyday citizens to provide life-saving assistance to victims of sudden cardiac arrest. App users who have indicated they are trained in CPR and willing to assist in case of an emergency can be notified if someone nearby is in cardiac arrest.

When to Call 911

A 911 emergency is a situation in which someone needs immediate help because he or she is injured or in immediate danger.

If you’re ever in doubt and no one is around to ask, it’s better to call 911 and let the operator decide if it’s a real emergency than to take the chance that someone who needs help doesn’t get it quickly. Stay on the phone until the operator tells you it is ok.

When you call 911, the emergency dispatch operator will ask questions such as:

  • “What is the emergency?” or “What happened?”
  • “Where are you?” or “Where do you live?”
  • “Who needs help?” or “Who is with you?”

If you call 911 by mistake, do not hang up the phone. This saves the operator from having to call you back and confirm there is no emergency or sending police to check your address for an emergency.

Safety Tips

Here are some things you can do to be prepared if something happens:

  • Teach your children how to call 911.
  • Emergency numbers should be near each telephone in the house, and keep a list in your car.
  • Make sure your home has working smoke alarms.
  • Make sure you have a fire escape plan.
  • Take a first-aid class to learn CPR so you’ll be prepared to help someone in an emergency.
  • Keep a first-aid kit in the house and car and know how to use it.

Critical Cell Phone Facts

Thinking of discontinuing your traditional phone service? Many people are making the decision to disconnect their home phone and move their home telephone to their cell phone. If you decide to use only a cell phone, keep these important tips in mind:

  • A typical home or work phone gives 911 operators an exact location. Cell phones with location technology only provide an approximate location.
  • Many 911 centers across the nation are NOT equipped to receive location information. If you are in an area that has implemented location technology and you have an outdated phone, your location information may not be received by the operator.
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