Frequently Asked Questions


What Can I Expect to Find?

  • Auditor’s Tax Maps
  • Recorder’s records since 1989
  • Tax information
  • Aerial views of each 1 sq. mile section
  • Ripley County zoning book
  • Copies of most recorded surveys
  • Drainage issues information
  • Approximate boundary lines
  • The location of your deed
  • Tax parcel numbers
  • Adjoining owners
  • Ripley County zoning maps
  • Historical surveys since 1835
  • Other land questions

Who Can Use This Information?

  • Surveyors
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Appraisers
  • Abstractors
  • Contractors
  • You – the property owner

When Would I Need This Information?

  • When you are buying, selling, investing in, or developing property
  • If a boundary location is unknown or unclear
  • Before improvements are made
  • When timber is cut
  • When you want to put your land in government programs
  • If you want to re-zone your property
  • If you want to know who owns any property in Ripley county
  • When you have a problem
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