Stolen Property Help

The Ripley County Sheriff’s Department has recently subscribed to LeadsOnline, which is a Nationwide database of Pawn/Scrap transactions. This system has played a large role in solving multiple crimes that have occurred in Ripley County in the short time since the Sheriff’s Department started using it.

A feature of this database is available to the citizens of Ripley County, called “ReportIt”. This feature is a Safe, Secure, and FREE site where residents can create a list of their valuables, including item descriptions, photographs of the items, scanned receipts, and most importantly the serial numbers of their valuables.

In the event that you are ever the victim of a crime and your property is taken, you can provide the descriptions and serial numbers of the items to Law Enforcement. Having the serial numbers for your valuables and providing those to Law Enforcement significantly increases the chances of your property being recovered, as well as the suspect being identified and held accountable for their actions.

For more information please visit the website at

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