Harm Reduction

Ripley County Annex Building

102 W. First North St., Versailles IN 47042
Mailing address: P.O. Box 745, Versailles, IN 47042
HOURS | Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
PHONE | 812-689-5751

Harm Reduction Efforts in Ripley County

Harm reduction is the public health principle of reducing the negative consequences associated with human behaviors. Harm reduction asserts that we meet people “where they are” to support their overall health.

Harm reduction is frequently associated with substance use; however, additional examples of harm reduction include wearing a seatbelt while driving or riding in a moving vehicle, condom use during sexual activity, wearing sunscreen, and taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Harm reduction is as broad and varied as the individuals and communities it serves.

Harm reduction efforts in Ripley County include:

Naloxone “Narcan” Information

Naloxone is a medication used to reverse the effects of Opioids and can be administered when a person shows symptoms of an overdose. When injected, it works within five minutes, will “wake up” the individual, and allow them 30 to 60 minutes to seek medical attention.

Learn more about Narcan.

Find a Narcan distributor near you.

HIV and Hepatitis C Testing

Free and confidential testing is available every first Thursday of the month at the Ripley County Health Department. Walk-ins are welcome.

Testing is given by Aspire Indiana Health.

What should YOU be tested for?

HIV Risk Factors:

  • Injection drug use
  • MSM
  • HIV positive partner(s)
  • Exposure to human blood
  • Anonymous sexual partners
  • Unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex

Hepatitis C Risk Factors:

  • Injection drug use and sharing equipment
  • MSM
  • Born between 1945-1965
  • Unprofessional tattoos or piercings (home or jail)
  • Previously incarcerated
  • Exposure to human blood with open wound

Non-Syringe Harm Reduction

Non-Syringe items used to prepare and introduce substances into the body have potential to transmit Bloodborne Infections.

By providing materials such as Hand Sanitizer, and Wound Care Kits, we can help limit community contact with harmful items. Our Non-Syringe Harm Reduction program also includes materials to aid in Oral, Personal and Sexual Health.

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