Residential Septic Permits

You must read through, complete, and submit specific information to obtain residential septic permits in Ripley County.

Step 1: Soil Analysis

Choose a soil scientist to perform your Soil Analysis. The soil scientist will send your analysis into our office when it is completed. As soon as you schedule a soil analysis, begin Step 2.

Soil Scientists in our area:

  • Dena Anderson (812) 591-3770
  • John Bowen (812) 521-0995
  • Mark McClain (765) 212-7645
  • Scott Nickell (812) 265-5140

Step 2: Submit Information

Submit the Residential Septic Application. You will need to submit the form as well as a copy of your house plans. You can send these to the Ripley County Health Department either by mailing to our office at P.O. Box 745, Versailles IN 47042, submitting in person at our office, or by email.

We cannot complete minimum specifications for your property until all items are submitted to our office.

Step 3: Choose an Installer

After our office receives your Soil Analysis, Residential Septic Application, Seeding Agreement, and House plans, you will need to pick a Ripley County Registered Installer. The installer will then have to draw up a septic design and submit it to The Ripley County Health Department.

Step 4: Pay & Pick Up Your Permit

Once we contact you with news that your permit is ready, you may come into our office to sign and pay for your permit. This step must be done in person. It cannot be done over the phone, by mail, or by email as we will need your signature on documents to issue the permit.

When picking up your permit, you will need to pay $100 for the Septic Permit.

You may pay for your fees with cash or card. There is a small fee for all card payments. We do not accept personal checks.