Registered Septic Installers

Plan Review Checklist

The Ripley County Health Department has adopted a new review process for all septic designs. The Residential Plan Review Checklist will guide installers step by step through the design process. We review plans in the order they are received. Use this review checklist to ensure you have everything listed on your design before submitting to our office.

Please note when submitting your septic design plans to the office, the allotted review time for all septic designs is 30 days.

Become a Registered Septic Installer

All information must be completed to become a registered installer in Ripley County.

We will not review plans for installers that have not submitted all documentation and been added to our list of registered installers.

A septic test over the Indiana State Septic Code will have to be taken once a year along with registering to install in our county. Without a passed test and registration fee and paperwork, you will not be allowed to install.

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