The Surveyor, whose office is provided for in the constitution, is elected for a four-year term by the voters of the entire county. There is no restriction upon his eligibility for re-election. If appointed County Highway Engineer, the Surveyor is authorized to accept the salary of t he Highway Engineer as fixed by the County Commissioners and approved by the County Council.
The Surveyor receives $2 per mile ($4 if he is a registered engineer) for each mile of active court drains or ditches within the limits of his county, as certified to, and approved by, the County Commissioners.
The primary duties of the Surveyor are to survey and keep record of all section corners throughout the county and supervise all civil engineering work of the county, including construction and maintenance of drains and ditches and of highways, bridges, and culverts, except in the counties where the board of Commissioners assigns highway, bridge, and culvert construction and maintenance to the Highway Supervisor.
The Surveyor is required to prepare, maintain, and keep in his custody a legal survey record book showing maps of each section, grant, tract, subdivision, or group of such areas in sufficient detail so the approximate location of each such legal survey can be shown.
The duties of the office of County Surveyor which relate to roads and bridges become those of the County Highway Engineer in those counties in which the County Commissioners have appointed such an official. However, if the Surveyor is a registered engineer, he may be appointed County Highway Engineer. In such cases, the Surveyor’s responsibilities are broadened to include those of County Highway Engineer. (See discussion of County Highway Supervisor’s duties.)
In counties having a population of 165,000 ore more, the County surveyor may appoint a registered professional civil engineer as bridge engineer.
Ditch Construction and Maintenance: The Surveyor supervises all legal ditch construction and maintenance in his county. He serves as an ex officio member with the County Commissioners on the County Drainage Board. The Surveyor serves as an ex officio member of the County Planning commission.
Deputies: The Surveyor is authorized to appoint as many deputies and assistants as his work requires, subject, however, to the approval of the County Council and the limitations of the budget of the Surveyor’s office.
If the Surveyor is not a licensed land surveyor or is disqualified by reason of his ownership of lands affected by any work or kinship to any person whose lands will be affected, the court must appoint a licensed engineer or licensed land surveyor to act in some matters. The person appointed has the same authority as the regularly elected surveyor.
Information contained herein was taken from:
- County Ordinances of Appropriations and Salary Ordinances
- HERE IS YOUR INDIANA GOVERNMENT which is published by the Indiana State Chamber of Commerce
- Association of Indiana Counties Legislative Bulletin
- INDIANA HANDBOOK OF TAXES, REVENUES, AND APPROPRIATIONS which is published by Indiana Legislative Services Agency, Office of Fiscal Management Analysis